Thank you to ladyinlycra for sharing the love.
Now it your turn to receive this award
The Rules:
♥ Thank and link back to the person that awarded you this award
♥ Share 7 things about yourself
♥ Award 7 recently discovered great bloggers
♥ Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award
Seven things about myself:
1. I love love fabric
2. I have a shop on etsy called Roseglen selling womens clothes, this way I get to buy more fabric
3. I make all my own clothes, except for jumpers and coats
4. I don't possess a single pair of trousers
5. I enjoy wearing skirts, I feel more feminine in skirts
6. I made my sisters wedding dress and my mothers dress for the days, she looled great
7. I love choosing fabric for others
Seven blogs I have enjoyed reading. I hope you feel the same. congratulation to all these bloggers
Happy blogging