You may already know I have a job and I am thoroughly enjoying it
This also means my goal to increase my income by £1000.00 is achieved. It involves a great deal of walking almost every day, the weight is falling off, great as my sister is getting married in the spring, so I will hopefully look trim healthy for the day.
The new job requires a great deal of reading, not only policies, but learning manual and process for helping clients, never a day goes by without me having to read through a manual to get a better understanding of how best to help the clients, great learning curve.
My mum is local to my work and to my brother so I see her at least once a week but often it's more. Also sourced new kitchen for my mum and project managed the installation and decorated her lounge and hall way so was around for quite a bit with her
Pictures of work in progress, I will try and post the finished project sometime - no promises
I have noticed that my house has the least progress, so this is going to be my priority for the next couple of months.