Saturday 29 December 2012

Lesson one of 45 Life Lessons

I came across this lovely piece on Fab after Fifty website. To celebrate growing older, Regina Brett age 90 put together 45 lessons life taught her. I am going to give you a phrase or two at a time, I feel this will be more memorable. I will document them the whole at the end. 

OK so here is lesson one. 

1. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.


lawyerdoll said...

True. Hubby and I have been going through a lot of trials right now, but we remain stupidly in love and committed to getting through our situation together.

HomespunTales said...

Agreed- Life certainly is not fair at times.. but that is not so bad.

Interesting reads here. Will be back for more. Found you through Etsy Blog Team. and am new follower- Please stop over to my blog and follow back.

Giancarlo said...

Ti auguro un 2013 che inizi bene, prosegua come desideri e che termini con grandi soddisfazioni.
Ti auguro di camminare su una strada chiamata vita, di inciampare in una pozza chiamata fortuna, di cadere in un abisso chiamato felicità.
Ti auguro un amore sincero accanto a te che sappia comprenderti e guardarti nel cuore con amore per ciò che sei.